What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, April 06, 2007

New cot - big boy

Today Keefe came and helped me prepare Dylans bedroom for the big move. Keefe did all the difficult cuts and I laid the simple (Straight) bits of laminate flooring. Ive already painted the walls - blue of course - and put up his pictures.

It felt strange preparing his room away from me but its time. Whenever I go to bed I wake him with my snuffling about, tonight it will be nice to climb into bed, switch on my bedside lamp and read without guilt. Ive place a box by the side of my bed so he can get into my bed unassisted.

We just had a trial run. At about 10.30 tonight Dylan woke up and cried out. When I went into the bedroom, his bedroom, he was sitting in his bed just waiting for me. With the light from the hallway he proceeded to inspect his room, pointing at all the pictures and things I have hanging from the ceiling for him. "Ohhh", "Ahhh" and our favourite "Eeee", accompanied by him patting his chest and grinning. Once the room had passed inspection he toddled into my r and had a good look round, checked out the bed by climbing on it,(the box worked) climbed off after pulling the cats tail and toddled back to his room where he climbed back into his bed and went to sleep.

My baby aint a baby no more. He is a toddler - with his own room.

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