What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I'm not sure if Ive covered this before but Ive been lax in my blogging recently cause I'm not sure about the direction it's going in. I loved my old blog but felt that I needed one for Dylan, so I started this one, then I found myself just blogging on this one and not on the other, but I find it hard to blog my own feelings on this one because its Dylan's.

I know blogs are whatever you are want them to be about so if this changes direction and you don't like it I suppose I'm saying sorry. Im not like D-Man with a huge readership, frequent updates and post of hillarious content, but at least I will be blogging on a more frequent basis and I suppose the title is ME, MYSELF and Dylan so I can blog about me and not just Dylan.

Can I?
Should I?
or more importantly
Will I!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You funny!

Huge readership?
Frequent updates?


But here's to you being more regular and staying off of the Lazy Monkey list!