What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Back to work - Wahhhhh

Yes tomorrow is the big day! I'm returning to work, fighting with Mick the Mawanker and attempting to keep my sanity. Ive got myself organised, bags packed for Dylan and me. My uniform has been firmly placed in the bin and Ive raided George at Asda for cheap work trousers and a couple of tops that don't make me look like a frump. I'm sat here a little bit apprehensive about returning to work but no where as nervous as I was last time.

Dylan and I have been really lucky in a way to have this extra time together. I know I shouldn't be looking at sick leave as "lucky" but Ive seen him grown so much in this last four months that I feel confident he and I are both ready to face the big wide world again.

I'm feeling pretty positive. Pretty certain of what I want to be doing and where I need to be going. Now I just have to hope that Mick and NTC will let me do what I do best (No not blog and surf the Internet)but teach and interact with people - enthuse them about computers and learning.

And how is Dylan doing this week. Well he has started pointing at things and naming them. Obviously nothing he is saying as yet is really intelligible but he definitely has set words for certain things. Mum and Dad's dog is "oof" and the various cats are always screeched at with "at". I'm sometimes "mama", but more often that not I just get raspberries blown on me. K is addressed as "Da" which makes him smile no end.

He now has 8 teeth, four on the top and four on the bottom. All of which seem to have caused a sore bottom and sleepless nights. But he is now eating like a little pig and loving almost everything. The only thing he has so far "yucked" is mackerel and Lychee's. But I keep on trying them!

He is going to mum for child care. I'm really happy about it but do fear I'm going to have a child who is 8 stone before he is two as mum seems to think the best way to stop him crying is to give him his treat box (Which he already pulls out of the cupboard by himself). She also believes in old fashioned ways of child minding - this included sink bathing....

Yes that is an apple he has in there with him. Lets face it, if he's in the water and eating he wont get messy!!!


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