What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, May 22, 2006

Uncle Shaun and Aunty Jo

Its true what they say about traveling and babies, it definitely isn't done lightly. I packed the car in the afternoon in preparation and most of the space was taken up with stuff for Dylan. The nappies, the spare sleep suits, the clothes - just in case, the pram, the car seat, the bassinet, the toys to distract, the toys to calm and the toys that K likes to play with. There was just enough room after that lot was put in to get a pair of jeans and a top for me, two t-shirts for K and some underwear for both of us into the bag.

K arrived home at 6, loaded up his tools and we all set off with sandwiches and directions to Shaun and Jo's in Cumbria. This was our first visit to their new house and I was kinda excited. I know he is my brother and he can be a real cantakerous git at times, but Jo just seems to even out his rough patches, together I think they are one of the nicest couples I know.

K had been called in to help Shaun out with a bit of DIY-ing and Jo was being called upon to look after Dylan. We are going to a wedding in July and Shaun and Jo have bravely agreed to look after Dylan for us whilst we let our hair down.

I say bravely cause Jo has never spent more than a couple of hours in the presence of a baby so this weekend was a real learning curve for her. I have to say she handled it beautifully.

Dylan was obviously enamored with both of them and I can see him at three packing his bags and running away to Cumbria to stay with them cause they are "much more fun". Shaun juggled things and shook his copious amounts of hair making Dylan grin like an idiot and Jo calmly talked Dylan through his nappy change starting most conversations with "now then young man" - to which he kicked his legs and gurgled in his most charming manner.

Jo, Dylan and I spent Saturday walking round Cockermouth and Keswick whilst Shaun and K tackled some doors. It was a rainy day but did nothing to dampen our spirits. We didn't really buy much but did come back with some custard slices and these - HOW CUTE!

Purchased by Aunty Jo

Sunday morning Shaun and Jo got up to discover me and Dylan in the living room after having a pretty bad night so they bundled he who didn't sleep all night into his pram and left me with a duevet and a book. Dylan was introduced to a cow, shown some flowers and just to keep the balance right some rocks! He came back to me a sleepy wee soul with eyes full of new things.

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