What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Nappy Days.

This is a pictoral entry - they do say a picture says more than a thousand words.

This happend - I smelt it before I saw it

As the nappy was removed I saw this

Within a matter of moments even his feet were covered

A close up was needed

After half a pack of wipes and some industrial strength nose pegs we got cleaned up

Nappy on and a smiling Dylan

Its hard to believe something this angelic could create that much mess

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Passport fun

Today it cost me £20.50 in a fun attempt to get a passport photo for Dylan. Yes even at 11 weeks the wee man has to have his own passport, which as far asI'm concerned is a total travesty and just one more opportunity for the government to make money out of us.

Anyway I looked on the passport site to make sure the photo I sent met their rather "crappy" criteria. The photographs must be:
recent (taken within the last month);
45millimeterss (mm) high x 35millimeterss (mm) wide (please do not trim your photographs to meet this condition);
taken against an off-white, cream or light grey plain background so that your features are clearly distinguishable against the background;
printed on low-gloss, plain white photo-quality paper (with no watermarks, embossing or printing on the back);
undamaged, for example, by creases from paperclips;
of you on your own (no toys, dummies or other people visible);
a close-up of your head and shoulders so that your head, from the bottom of your chin to your crown is between 29mm and 34mm high; and
clear of writing on the front and back.

The photographs must also:
be in sharp focus and clear;
have a strong definition between the face and background; and be printed professionally. Photographs printed at home are not likely to be of an acceptable quality.

The photographs must show:
no shadows;
you facing forwards, looking straight towards the camera;
a neutral expression, with your mouth closed; your eyes open and clearly visible (with no sunglasses or heavily tinted glasses, and no hair across your eyes); no reflection or glare on your glasses, and the frames should not cover your eyes (you may find it easier to remove your glasses); your full head, without any head covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medical reasons; and nothing covering your face. Please make sure nothing covers the outline of your eyes, nose or mouth.

So armed with a cream blanket I headed into WB to Woolworths on the way there I enforced for Dylan the importance of not wearing his sunglasses and hat - pah!

I pushed in da money and sat with Dylan in my arms attempting to get him in the middle circle of the screen. We wiggled and jiggled into place, there was no sign of me, Dylan was looking straight ahead with eyes open and mouth closed. I pulled the cover over my head and pressed the button. "three, two, one" spoke the machine and snap.

A gorgeous picture of Dylan looking downwards, eyes closed and my hands playing a ratherprevalentt part - *sigh*. Luckily it was one of those preview your snap machines so I pressed the button to reshoot....

"Your photo will be developed in five minutes" - Arghhh. Futiley I pressed the button again but no luck.

I needed help.

An elderly gentleman who was doing some DIY shopping was accosted and recruited to press the green button and tell me when Dylan was clear. We wiggled and jiggled into place, there was no sign of me, Dylan was looking straight ahead with eyes open and mouth closed. I pulled the cover over my head, my new found accomplice ok'd the shot and pressed the button.

"Three, two, one" went the machine and I felt my baby do a little jiggle - my assistant giggled, "he's just jumped out of shot". I pulled the cover from my head and attempted once again to press the button to reshoot.

"Your photo will be developed in five minutes" - Bugger!!!

Totally stressed out I bemoaned the stupidity of these preview machines, I kicked the damn thing whilst attempting not to swear in front of Dylan - my elderly assistant backed away mumbling about screws and missing.

Just as I was about to give up on the whole photo thing, Dylan would just never have to travel, I was approached by a lady with two children clinging to her legs "trying to get photos done", we grinned in motherly comradeship. "Happy snaps round the corner do them, they are expensive but you at least know you will get a decent picture". I grinned at her again and headed off with Dylan.

Sure enough Happy snaps took the photo no problem, they even had a little baby beanbag to position him correctly. The photo looks ace, but I just wonder how effective it will be in five years time? I guess as long as he isn't wearing sunglasses and a hat there wont be a problem.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Uncle Shaun and Aunty Jo

Its true what they say about traveling and babies, it definitely isn't done lightly. I packed the car in the afternoon in preparation and most of the space was taken up with stuff for Dylan. The nappies, the spare sleep suits, the clothes - just in case, the pram, the car seat, the bassinet, the toys to distract, the toys to calm and the toys that K likes to play with. There was just enough room after that lot was put in to get a pair of jeans and a top for me, two t-shirts for K and some underwear for both of us into the bag.

K arrived home at 6, loaded up his tools and we all set off with sandwiches and directions to Shaun and Jo's in Cumbria. This was our first visit to their new house and I was kinda excited. I know he is my brother and he can be a real cantakerous git at times, but Jo just seems to even out his rough patches, together I think they are one of the nicest couples I know.

K had been called in to help Shaun out with a bit of DIY-ing and Jo was being called upon to look after Dylan. We are going to a wedding in July and Shaun and Jo have bravely agreed to look after Dylan for us whilst we let our hair down.

I say bravely cause Jo has never spent more than a couple of hours in the presence of a baby so this weekend was a real learning curve for her. I have to say she handled it beautifully.

Dylan was obviously enamored with both of them and I can see him at three packing his bags and running away to Cumbria to stay with them cause they are "much more fun". Shaun juggled things and shook his copious amounts of hair making Dylan grin like an idiot and Jo calmly talked Dylan through his nappy change starting most conversations with "now then young man" - to which he kicked his legs and gurgled in his most charming manner.

Jo, Dylan and I spent Saturday walking round Cockermouth and Keswick whilst Shaun and K tackled some doors. It was a rainy day but did nothing to dampen our spirits. We didn't really buy much but did come back with some custard slices and these - HOW CUTE!

Purchased by Aunty Jo

Sunday morning Shaun and Jo got up to discover me and Dylan in the living room after having a pretty bad night so they bundled he who didn't sleep all night into his pram and left me with a duevet and a book. Dylan was introduced to a cow, shown some flowers and just to keep the balance right some rocks! He came back to me a sleepy wee soul with eyes full of new things.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Weigh in

Ha, all that worry and he hit the scales at a wonderful 11lbs 11 ounces, so 12 ounces this week. Helen, our health visitor reckons I should just weigh him every other week cause he is obviously one of "those babies who put weight on in spurts".

I didn't realise they came in different types but life is a continuous learning curve.

I'm happy, he is happy and life continues - still think it would be easier if we developed a full/empty thing on our boobs during pregnancy!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Expressing issues.

Okay, the ongoing struggles and doubts continue.

I'm attempting to get my boobs used to having to express milk on a daily basis so when I go back to work I can continue to "feed" Dylan. I know there is nothing wrong with formula and I'm certainly not looking down on anyone who feeds their baby this way but personally I want to continue to give Dylan what nature intended me to give him.

So on a regular basis I hook myself up to this gorgeous machine

and let it suck out my juices - LOL!

The first couple of times I did this I got great results - or so I thought - 3-4 ounces from each boob, making a complete feed for Dylan. But it seems the more I do it the less my boobs put out. I've been on line and discovered that 2 ounces per session is actually pretty normal, particuarly as I'm producing this amount in a fairly short time, but and here is the but, I don't seem to produce any more milk after this short time. My boobs seem to dry up - I know they don't, but that's how it seems!

I've tried sitting with the pump sucking away but after the initial "output" nothing else happens other than my nipples get sore. I did start to panic thinking that 2 ounces per session was all Dylan was getting but apparently he is far more efficient than a pump and is likely to get more than I can whilst expressing. I'm trying not to let myself feel this is a failure, cause I'm producing milk, but its frustrating cause I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

Being me I constantly think is there something else I could be doing to get more, give him more, which leads to my other concern in that Dylan didn't put on any weight last week. The health visitor told me not to worry too much as he put 11 ounces on the week before. He's due another weigh in tomorrow so I guess the truth will be in the pudding.

On the up side, K can now reguarly giving Dylan a feed at 10pmish - Daddy bonding time! It felt strange not having him to myself for a while but I quickly took advantage of the extra sleep time.

I feel a bit down when he refuses to feed from the bottle, cause its like he is refusing my milk, but extracting the positive from the negative, at least its the bottle he is refusing and not me. Most nights he is taking the full six ounces I'm "pumping" through the day, sometimes he doesn't.

And before anyone asks no he still hasn't slept through, but I actually love our 3am feed, its mummy and Dylan time - very quiet and full of cuddles.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Painting fun

On Sunday mum and I attacked Dylan with a pot of paint. I'm not sure who had more fun, us or Dylan.

Mum is going to scan in the prints, but here's a few picks.

A lot of the paint went in places it shouldn't, like Dylan's ears, until we discovered it was better to press the paper onto the "limb" rather than trying to lift a paint covered, wiggly appendage onto the paper.

After all the excitement we both crashed out for a half hour snooze - its a hard life being a baby!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Been a while but

I've been breast feeding, changing nappies, walking in the sunshine and generally enjoying the world of baby!

Dylan has gone through a routine change, in as much as he wakes twice through the night now, rather than the once. I thought I had it cracked, but apparently he is liable to do this on a regular basis. K still spends most of the weekend sleeping, watching 'Friends' or listening to his music so I'm not feeling particuarly supported, this change in routine has left me feeling a bit sleep deprived and I have to admit it - a little bit hormonal and emotive.

I've no idea if this is "normal" cause I've stopped reading the books - they generally get me frustrated cause it "isn't happening the way they say it should"; I'm just going with the flow - or going with the flow as much as this uptight, anal mummy can!

I've taken a whole heap of pics, but this one has to be my fave for this week. My little boy is a real little star!