What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Hooch came a visiting

Its been six years 1 month and two weeks since the Hooch travelled north to play in my neck of the woods. I spent the afternoon doing my usual house preps, which were undermined by a midget with yoghurt and toys. In my new "Monica no more" mode I relaxed knowing that H wasnt coming to visit a clean house, she was coming to visit ME... oh and Dylan.

Cause I cant drive at the moment Keefe picked up me and the wee man and we headed off to the airport. I took Dylan into the arrivals area and we waited, I thought the plane was delayed but luckily it was on time (must be a first for Sleezy Jet) and within moments there she was all in black, fur trimmed collar and three inch heels striding through the doors and beeming. Dylan hid behind my legs and peered at her intently.

We picked up my car from mums and dads and headed back to my hovel. Its strange how I get nervous when I bring someone to my home, its not plush, not well decorated but its clean and its mine. Helen did the best thing possible, walked in, took off her boots and lit up a fag, whilst standing by the back door. Dylan was put to bed and I cracked open the cider for Madam Hooch and the wine for me. The evening was spent chatting and catching up and dissing my itinery of shopping and site seeing. Not that I was all that worried, Im not a shopper and a very poor tourist guide.

We hit the sack with alcohol and bonhomie in our veins.

Saturday morning arrived and at 6.30am Dylan arose, I attempted to creep out of bed and get him downstairs without too much noise but H was awake (yes, read it and be amazed). Dylan was still very reticent, but was slowly won over with a huge bagpuss and a Thorntons chocolate lolly.

We had breakfast - fags and coffee. Caught up on whats what, whose who and when was when. We attempted to get Dylan interested in Bagpuss but he was more interested in not eating his breakfast and sly flirting with H. H eagerly (cough) enrolled as my carer for Dylan whilst I did sing and sign, so we set off with the car packed up. Dylan apparently did little more than stuff toys that shouldnt go into other toys and tell H they were either "stuck" or "broked". After two hours of singing on my part and looking after Dylan on Helens I left the centre feeling refreshed and alive, H looked like she had spent two hours with 20 children. Fags and coffee soon put here right.

Dylan was shipped of to the caravan with Keefe and H and I headed into Whitley Bay for a late lunch and a view of the local shops. H has a reputation as a "shopper" but, please forgive me for saying this H, she isnt really. She just likes a bloody good bargain. We ended up spending a huge £10.00 on two pairs of pj bottoms. Bright red with spots on. The evening was a cocophany of perfection. Indian, Alcohol, two DVD's ("Notes on a Scandal" and the gorgeous "Love Actually"). Eyebrows plucked and face packs applied the evening passed with chat and laughter.

Sunday morning was a lazy affair, breakfast - smoothies, coffee and fags - and a film - "Sharks tale". We then went and picked up Dylan from Keefe, who is suffering with his eyes, popped in on mum and then headed home for half an hours relax before heading down to the airport.

Because of the ten min drop off rule it was a quick hug, big goodbyes and we left Hooch sauntering in fur trimmed coat and three inch heels with dolly trolly heading into the departure lounge. I think I got to the first roundabout before bursting into tears.

Having friends come visit is so bloody wonderful, it fills up your life with memories of things gone by and renews the joy of friendship. Some people I know dont particuarly like having guests but I do. I hate it when friends leave, I always feel so lonely, as if Im missing something. So Im sitting here smoking the fags Hooch left me and drinking the last can of cider, pretending she has just gone to the toilet.

How very, very sad! I had a wonderful weekend and hope that it wont be another six years, 1 month and two weeks before she comes back.


Hx said...

Silly mare! I'm still here!

Wild Mood Swings said...


Hx likes children