What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Aww Snot and sore throats.

Ive been off work for a week, not because of the snot and sore throat but because my Dr has referred me for "Neurological explorations - Me ead just aint right". But Im not thinking about at the moment. Im not allowed to drive, which is a real pain in the bottom, but friends and family have been total taxi driving stars and Ive managed to get around without too many problems.

This week though I thought I would be able to spend some quality time with my wee man, who has become a very clingy wee man indeed. But rather than going for nice walks and play dates the poor wee bloke has been locked in the house with me snuffling and sneezing like an Olympic snot sneezer. Today though I gave up all pretense of being well, turned the heating on and we lay in the living room, me under two blankets shivering like crazy an Dylan running butt naked round the living room enjoying the wind whizzing past his "Schnabby" (Willie in Swiss).

Tonight he went off with Daddy, it took two attempts to get him in the car, the first was a tearful disaster when he realised I wasnt coming, but with a bit of play and cheerful smiles he was enticed into the car and sent on his merry way.

Me Im off to bed with a lemsip and my book. I will beat this cold. Tomorrow is a great day for celebration. Remembering loved ones who have past us and enjoying candy and dress up.

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