What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Whirlwind hit again.

On Thursday night I had a gorgeous evening with Jo, Annette, Tom and Ramesh. Jo had one night in Geordie land left and was spending it at Annettes, which meant, ofcourse, that Annette was cooking. She is a fab cook and comes up with the most wonderful of dishes, mainly of Swiss origin, but lets just say Yummy sums up almost everything she prepares.

Wine and conversation flowed and it was great to spend an evening relaxing in Adult company. Tom gave me a lift home and I ended up sat on my couch, wondering who I could call. Tracy Pearl was the poor bugger who got my late night drunken ramblings. But this once it gave out to good things and he decided he was stressed and needed to get out of London and where better to de-stress than my house that has a thousand and one chores to keep him busy.

Friday passed in a blur as I prepared the leaving party for Jo and Naiomi, Annette and Orla turned up at 3ish and willingly ate the burnt chicken curry I had prepared for her - god Im such a domestic goddess. Ruth arrived with Josh and was closely followed by Fiona with THomas. Due to painting and final preparations Jo didnt actually arrive till 4.30ish, but the kids didnt seem to mind and we mommies filled up on coffee and snacks. Lets just say there were tears and sad farewells as Jo left. She has become such an important part of our lives that we are all gong to miss her so much.

Annette and Ruth helped me tidy a lot of the mess away, but signs of toddler chaos still remained as I headed off to meet Tracy. Im getting so much better at the anal problem, it really didnt bother me that there was mess all over the floor and chaos reigned, this is how I live now, love me, love my mess.

Anyway we had a very pleasant evening drinking wine and chatting. We watched Children in need, waiting for the QI bit, but it didnt show so we headed off to bed for a good nights sleep.

Dylan got me up with the birds Saturday morning and I allowed him to go in and jump on Tracy - Im breaking him in on the fun of kids (Tracy not Dylan). Unable to stop Tracy from whirlwinding I targeted him towards my TV, which he fixed - I can now record - Yipeee! Keefe picked up Dylan and Tracy took me away to "Sing and sign".

After my sessions were done we headed off for a walk around Whitley bay, then drove through to the Silverlink for something to eat. We then headed into the Cinema to watch a lovely film called "Stardust", funny, entertaining and most enjoyable. More wine, food and conversations and the evening passed in a most enjoyable way.

Sunday morning I woke feeling that I had achieved the impossible I had had Tracy Pearl come to stay and not had him running round my house fixing things.... that was until I mentioned that I wanted to pop into B&Q to price up a kitchen work top. We needed to make space for the mini dishwasher I had aquired from Freecycle. Tracy pointed out one wee flaw in my plan "It wouldnt fit", but in usual Whirlwind style he came up with another solution and we ended up moving the washer into the downstairs toilet and connecting the dishwasher up into the place it had vacated. Whoosh - it was done!

I took Tracy off to mums for Sunday lunch/dinner and then with minutes to spare put him on the Metro to head off for the train.

As I fell back onto the sofa I laughingly said to dad "God I need a break". But, as with H's visit it was wonderful to see him and Im now full of smiles and good cheer.

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