What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Plans of fools

Two posts in one day. Almost too much. But had to blog after my previous post to tell the world about my failed plans.

The last time I made plans I went out with a friend, watched a great movie - cant remember the title, but it was the one with Bridget Jones playing the woman who wrote about bunnies. I then proceeded to get drunk, behave in a rather bizarre manner had a fairly strange night, it was good.

So knowing Keefe was taking Dylan tonight I made plans. I booked tickets to watch another film and got ready. Then Keefe, who was looking after a rather grumpy Dylan, called me at six o'clock to say that Dylan hadn't settled, in fact he had cried from the moment he left me. He said he was bringing him back.

I didn't tell Keefe I had plans. I said "call me if you have any problems", so was my fault that he called? I cancelled my plans and I waited for Keefe to ring me to say he was bringing Dylan back, but he didnt call.

I've spent the night cleaning the house, putting up a blind in Dylan's room (its a real mess but I give up trying to cut a straight line)and drinking wine. Bugger me, the trials and tribulations of being a mommie.


Anonymous said...


Shannon said...

Dman - Shcwup... tell me about it!