What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, January 20, 2007

First real bout of sickness.

Dylan has been really poorly this last week. He had a serious bout of diarrhea. Last Saturday it was bad, really bad!

This week he has had such appalling nappy rash, caused I'm told, through the acidic pooh. I tried all sorts of creams but you know what worked best? Egg White. Yep smeared liberally over the offending area and left to dry.

We had lots of nappy time, which meant several small "accidents" but I really didn't mind cause laminate flooring can be easily cleaned.

Dylan smiled through most of the week, even though he was obviously in a lot of discomfort, today was his first "hard poo". Too much information Helen? Anyway I was a lot happier to let him go off with his dad knowing that he was getting better.


Anonymous said...

Egg white, whipped on ass. Ya learn something new every day...

Milkynz said...

The egg white really worked, I would not have believed it if I didnt see it with my own eyes. Using egg white could save the NHS thousands.

Heidi said...

Hate to say this Bridget but the NHS has been using egg white for years. Back in 1982 when I did my work experience in Bucklands Hospital on the Geriatric ward we used it for Bed Sores. It's like most things, it's out of fashion at the moment but it's an old fashioned receipe that's simple and effective!

Kisses for Baby Dylan poorly botty. Hugs for you for keeping it sane when it could so easily have upset the balance. Any sign of any more piccy's yet for the blog?