What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, January 22, 2007

Bath time with bubbles.

Oh my, we had fun - Dylan is now sitting happily in the bath on his own, although he does prefer to be in his seat. I think it gives him greater security when splashing water and attempting to drown the toys, of which there are numerous all with very strange names.

K is primary bather - and the toys have names like "Freddie Frog" who comes from the Bahamas and talks in a very pronounced accent, or "Polly Penguin" who is from "Africa" (HUH!). Generally I sit on the top of the stairs grinning, listening to the chatter. Dylan gurgles, yells and giggles his way through the stories K tells him, trying his best to get him as wet as possible.

Today K called me into the bathroom to view our very own little bearded Pixie.

Things are getting easier between the two of us and I think this is reflected in our attitudes towards each other. Ive become, with the aid of my happy pills, a lot more relaxed and in relaxing the little things that would have wound me up before no longer bother me.

Get me I didn't hoover this weekend, or dust - and not for the first time. And the Bathroom is on my list of things to do, so please no comments about the lovely tiles in the background.

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