What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Walking with the girls.

Just a quick blog, and not really about anything, but this morning whilst Annette, Jo and I walked to Sing and Sign I took this picture. Just think it was gorgeous!

Sometimes when I walk with these two they turn my world upside down with thier questions. Today though we pretty much walked in silence just enjoying the park.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Bath time with bubbles.

Oh my, we had fun - Dylan is now sitting happily in the bath on his own, although he does prefer to be in his seat. I think it gives him greater security when splashing water and attempting to drown the toys, of which there are numerous all with very strange names.

K is primary bather - and the toys have names like "Freddie Frog" who comes from the Bahamas and talks in a very pronounced accent, or "Polly Penguin" who is from "Africa" (HUH!). Generally I sit on the top of the stairs grinning, listening to the chatter. Dylan gurgles, yells and giggles his way through the stories K tells him, trying his best to get him as wet as possible.

Today K called me into the bathroom to view our very own little bearded Pixie.

Things are getting easier between the two of us and I think this is reflected in our attitudes towards each other. Ive become, with the aid of my happy pills, a lot more relaxed and in relaxing the little things that would have wound me up before no longer bother me.

Get me I didn't hoover this weekend, or dust - and not for the first time. And the Bathroom is on my list of things to do, so please no comments about the lovely tiles in the background.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

First real bout of sickness.

Dylan has been really poorly this last week. He had a serious bout of diarrhea. Last Saturday it was bad, really bad!

This week he has had such appalling nappy rash, caused I'm told, through the acidic pooh. I tried all sorts of creams but you know what worked best? Egg White. Yep smeared liberally over the offending area and left to dry.

We had lots of nappy time, which meant several small "accidents" but I really didn't mind cause laminate flooring can be easily cleaned.

Dylan smiled through most of the week, even though he was obviously in a lot of discomfort, today was his first "hard poo". Too much information Helen? Anyway I was a lot happier to let him go off with his dad knowing that he was getting better.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Drunken weekend.

Had a very drunken sleep deprived week and weekend with Bridget. I think the best part was actually allowing myself to get drunk and not sleep. Do the things I used to do with my girlfriends.

Chat, drink and talk crap.

Dylan suffered in no way at all. In fact the few times he woke and we brought him downstairs he entertained us quite nicely. If not for Dylan I probably wouldnt have gotten to bed at 6am on Saturday morning.....

We did a quick ticky tour round Newcastle - seeing the Baltic gallery and the Quayside (we got a ticket -BOO) and enjoyed an ice cream.

Saturday night we joined Annmarie and watched "Miss Potter" a lovely chic flic and a great way to spend the evening. Catching up with Bridget was lovely and I really enjoyed our time together. Im not sure who was leading whom astray but a good time was had by both of us.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bridgets First Night in Newcastle

She drove through wind and howling gales. The sleet slashed against her windows and my directions were, as normal, a little bit crap. But eventually she found her way to us.

Dylan took to Bridget right away, smiling at her throughout his tea and flirting like a little flirty thang.

We started the evening quite sensibly, but two bottles of wine later, half a bottle of vodka(Just me) and a whole box of very luxurious chocolates Dylan was invited downstairs to join us.

Both Dylan and Tina were rather upset at just being given the empty box.

But soon found a way to entertain himself

Took me and Bridget at least another hour.... we should have followed Dylan's good example.

Friday, January 05, 2007


I have at least six posts but cannot get pics from Photobucket to reduce in size so am scuppered...

Anyone got any ideas.

Contact me