What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, April 23, 2006

BCG Jab - Blood and puss

God what a morning. Dylan had to have a BCG jab the day after he was born, due to previous family illness. Over the last few days it had become quite red and scabby, but when I spoke to the Health visitor about it she seemed to think it was all fairly normal.

This morning whilst topping and tailing him I brushed the flannel over his jab and suddenly it exploded - green gunge just poured from two little wholes in the scab. Dylan began screaming, a high pitched scream I haven't heard the like of - so I knew he was in pain. Then I saw his tears and I burst into tears myself. I panicked and called my mum, then the Health visitor, then the midwife who was able to calm me and told me how to treat it.

I've always prided myself on my ability to deal with blood and guts. I've actually assisted in a road accident that had lots of blood and broken bones and coped well, treating the injuries as I was taught in the TA. But this morning was unbearable. My little boy was in pain and there was nothing I could do but dab at the puss and try and soak up the blood.

Mum and dad arrived just as I had calmed the wee man and managed to get my own tears under control. We all sat on the sofa looking at Dylan who was grasping my finger and staring into my face, as if to reassure me he was ok. My god what am I going to be like when he breaks a bone. Dad reckons we are going to have to get him a mobile phone so if anything does go wrong he can call mum or dad and they can then call me.

Gibbering wreck - that will be me then!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Lol - thanks MM. Tell me why they dont put this stuff in the books, or do they put it in your plunket books and just not the books in England?