What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Expressing - its not a new type of coffee

Today I bared my right boob to a machine and let it suck away my juices.

Having failed with the hand pump I decided to bring in the big boys and purchased an electric model. It was a most unusual feeling, vast suckiness ensued more so than when Dylan is "at the milk bar" but it didn't hurt - well it didn't hurt once I realized I could turn down the suckyness.

The whole process calls to mind the definative image of a cow in a barn. But I'm happy, in a bizarre baby world type of way, to say that I produced a goodly amount of milk in a fairly short amount of time.

This means 1) I can do it and 2) Dylan is getting much milky goodness from his mummy ;0)

We also attended the breast feeding group this morning. Lots of women sat round chatting, the only weird thing is that each of us at some stage bare our boobs and attach our offspring. No one bats an eye lid and the conversation just keeps flowing no matter what the baby is doing.

which is quite fortunate as I'm still having problems with Dylan in any other position than the rugby ball. Very difficult to carry a pillow with you all the time. So I tend to do a quick embarrassed feed, Dylan thrashes around a bit and smirks at my ineptitude - bless him! Its amazes me the confidence some of these women show as their babies latch on and they drink their tea.

He also got weighed today and came in at a healthy 10lb 1 ounce.

A beautiful bouncing bundle of joy!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Thanks Aunty Trish, your pretty special too.