What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saying Goodbye.

Bridie has suggested that I write a list of all the things I lost in the fire, to say good bye, to mourn them. Its not definitive but
  • George - ugly though you were, I loved you
  • Letters from Keefe, Jayson, James, Darren - the ability to recall memories from these letters.
  • Pictures and mementos from travelling
  • Wedding photos, my dress, wedding file, cards, memorabilia of the day.
  • Diaries from school
  • Dylan's diary
  • Records, tapes, CD's, DVDs Music that helped me define special times and memories
  • Jamie's picture "on the beach"
  • Jewellery - from travels, friends, my wedding rings, opals and pearls.
  • Dylan's memory box, hair, hand prints, scan pictures
  • Shane's boxes from Iraq.
  • Things mum gave me from Nana and things from her which were supposed to be passed down and treasured.
  • Skinny jeans - I've never found a pair that fit so well. My wedding shoes, the silly dress I wore to Bev's 40th Party, the memories it evoked.
  • Christmas decorations, especially the ones for Dylan's first Christmas
The list could go on, the insurance claim is about 9 pages long to date, but its not the "stuff" that gets used daily, its the stuff that I looked at and it evoked a smile, a memory, a flash back to somewhere else, that isn't here and isn't now!

1 comment:

Marcelle said...

Sweetie, I hope you're getting over your mourning of all those wonderful things you've said goodbye to ... they won't ever be there again physically but you'll still have some memories of the occasions they were associated with and those memories will ever be a part of you and what you are - my inspirational gorjus friend ...
I'm gonna pinch the idea for the things that were in my car when it got trashed - nothing like as valuable as your stuff but worth saying goodbye to methinks ...
You've done so amazingly well and I'm honoured to know you my sweet ... I'm thinking of you & Dylan and can't wait to see you, hopefully here in Italy, meantime you're in my thoughts, always ...
Love you lots and lots, remember what you're worth, M xox