What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Goose is getting fat...

Yes, yes, Christmas is coming, and yes the goose is getting fat, Ive been desperately trying to reign in the Christmas madness.

"No mum, we do not need beef, turkey, ham and pork on Christmas day. No mum cooking dozens of mince pies is not necessary to our happiness. No mum I dont think we need a starter, a main course, a desert, christmas pudding and cheese, surely just the main meal, mince pies (cause no one likes Christmas pudding) and cheese is more than enough".

Dylan's present pile has increased with each passing day, and there is a small element of shame that fills me, is this all necessary. As a child I remember such fun Christmases, yes we had presents, but did we have this much stuff! Probably, but it still feels like too much.

Am I being unrealistic to want a nice family day, with a few gifts, that are wanted, not that are brought for the sake of buying something. I want to spend time with my parents and my gorgous boy. Is it too much to ask!

Am I being a kill joy?


Unknown said...

Happy NY.

Hx said...

No you are being a sensible person. A friend of mine has rained in her relatives with regards to her son's presents, she has given them a budget and he doesn't get them until Christmas day or after, not before!