What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, December 05, 2008

Dont put your son on the stage Mrs Browning....

Oh my dear, well what can one say...

Its all been a very stressful few weeks. Dylan, whilst enjoying much of his new nursery room has apparently had some teething problems.

Hmmm - today cheryl, caterpillars room leader approached me when I picked Dylan up.

"Shannon, we have a slight problem with Dylan".

"Oh, what? Is everything ok".

"Oh yes, everything is fine" reassuring smile. "Its just that he is getting a little bit distressed when we are doing the rehearsals for the nativity play.

I laughed, "He's not jumping up and singing "I wanta move it, move it?"

"Well yes, he is, but we keep trying to make him sit still and thats what's distressing him. We might have to bring him out to you when we do the play, I just didnt want you to worry!"


My god, does this mean my child is going to be a stageaphobe.

Actually that wasnt what my initial thought was, but those who know Keefe and I and know we have both stomped upon the boards we loving call AmDram, it was a slight niggle thought in the back of my mind - NOT REALLY, well maybe a little!

"Oh OK, no problems" I said and giggled.

I went home and told mum and dad and Keefe, who all said "Dylan, stage shy - NEVER!!".

Whatcha gonna do... force the issue? Damn right I am, now where are those dress up clothes!!!

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