What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, October 20, 2008

Im weak - I went covert in Total!

But Im trying! Very trying I hear you call!

Rooooaaaaaarrrrrrr - well actually I have to admit that by Thursday I ran out of steam, but I did manage to maintain at least a level of healthyness until Saturday when I cracked and brought six chocolate doughnuts, a bottle of wine and 10 fags....


It was the garages fault. Damn Total gargage and their Hot food counter! I had gone in feeling all in control and there they were all wrapped up and yummy, well we all know chocolate goes well with wine, and wine goes well with fags, but Im a non smoker and if I was going to be naughty that was the one rule I was going to stick with. So I covertly snuck the chocolate doughnuts and wine beneath a paper, you never know who might be watching.

When the lady at the counter asked if I had any petrol I smiled and said "No", but ... slipping the delights over the counter,"anything else" she smiled at me temptingly - Im sure I saw horns and I found myself saying "yeah, 10 Richmond menthol please"... and just like that - failure. Back in the safety of my own house I closed my curtains, pulled on my pyjammies then ate, smoked and drank my way to self destruction.

I woke the next morning with Helen's voice echoing in my head "worst thing you can do, binge drink". And through dedication and determination I set about doing everything I should have done yesterday.

In my "I am woman hear me roar" mood I had invited mum and dad round for Sunday Lunch. Not wanting to blow my own trumpet, I felt pretty darn confident that this was going to be a lovely meal.

I peeled vegetables, prepared the steamed lemon desert, put in the meat and managed to clean throughout the house. Totally in control I sat in front of the TV and watched "Fanny Hill" - What a woman!

Mum and dad turned up about 1.30, veg cooking, meat looking a bit red, but stil time. Keefe was to deliver we man to us for 2pm and dinner would, I felt confident, be served at 2.15. Its all about timing.

2.10, the phone rang. Keefe's car wasnt working, dad was dispatched to go and pick up Dylan. The potatoes, were looking a bit crisp, so I turned them down, the meat was still looking a bit red - hmmm! Turn down the veg.

2.45 dad returns.

Meat a disaster, potatoes and parsnips so hard you can hardly cut through them, brocolli, asparagus and cabage so limp they need surgical support to get to the plate.

All in all - one very big disaster. Mum and dad were very polite about the whole thing, but did suggest maybe Mum should do Christmas dinner!

I am woman, hear me whimper!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

No honey, you can still roar, the dinner disaster was not your fault it was Keefe's!!!

See easypeasy lemon squeezy just blame it on the man. Had his unreliable car not broken down, your dinner would have been marvelous, as the wee man would have arrived just in time and service would have commenced. Also notice that he was supposed to have wee man delivered 2pm, so why did he not ring until 2.10?? When exactly was he planning on setting off???

We are women hear us ROAR!!!!