What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bev turns 40

Simon, Bev's gorgeous husband contacted me a while back to help organise a party for his beloved wife.

This weekend was the party weekend. I finished sing and sign, got into the car and drove over to Garstang, Preston. It was a horrible drive, wet, windy and full of bloody drivers who drove at 50 miles an hour.

I finally got the Simon and Bev's about 4o'clock. It was going to be a surprise party, but those who know and love Bev know that its just not possible to do surprise anything where she is concerned. So there was no need for pretenses, I turned up and after hugs and tea, chatting with Bev and Lynne, thier house mate, Simon and I set off to the venue to set it up.

Candles, baloon and embarrassing pictures in place we returned home to get ready for the party. Bev is a, and Im sure she wont mind me saying this, horsey person. She lives in jeans and enjoys mucking out and generally doing horsey things, she doesnt do dresses, but tonight she doned a gorgeous dress, which showed off her puppies perfectly - she hated it, put on make up and even did her nails. This is obviuosly what happens when you turn 40!

Almost on time we all headed off to the party, where we proceeded to drink, dance and generally be merry. I had a fantastic time, running round with my camera, taking pics of people having fun, drinking, smoking and dancing. The evening was lovely and as the DJ wound up I was left thinking how lovely my friends life is, great friends who love her and a husband who, whilst not the most romantic bloke in the world, would throw a surprise party for her and let her in on the surprise.

A small crowd of us headed back to the house for "more wine", more waffle and in my case a little bit of snogging. But thats my secret and Im not telling anyone nuffink else about that!!!!

So here they are - a few pics to capture the evening.

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