What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Another fun weekend in Cumbria.

The title says it all, and I hate to repeate myself, but we did have such a gorgeous weekend. Joji, as always a lovely hostess, we saw cows and fed horses, we even helped with a rockery.

Dylan loves being with Jo, we spent a great rainy afternoon in a small cafe that had a soft play area.




I want to recreate the muriels they had on the walls in Dylans bedroom.



Monday morning Shaun, or Saun as Dylan knows him, was home to play and play we did.


We went to a farm that had a corn maze and we stode round the maze with great aplomb, being dinosaurs and tigers, we got lost and found ourselves, we had so much fun.

We even saw pigs....


Its boring to say it but I love being in Cumbria with Shaun and Jo, I always feel so bloody relaxed, there is never any time I feel like being anything other than myself.

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