What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Loosing a baby once is misfortune...

Loosing a baby twice is just plain stupid. Yes following our little bit of excitement on Sunday I had yet another incident today.

Keefe and a work colleague of his were kind enough to drop off a single bed from mums. I've decided to move Dylan back into the little bedroom, in the hope that the smaller room and smaller bed will encourage him to sleep in his own room. Anyway, the bed was put into his, almost, decorated room and we played together for about an hour in there.

I came downstairs to make a cup of tea and started playing with the computer... after all he was safe upstairs. About 20 minutes passed and I went back up stairs because there wasn't a single sound coming from the bedroom. He wasn't there.

I searched in all the cupboards - he has started to hide - I searched in all the bedrooms, I searched in the bathroom. I came downstairs and searched in all the rooms. Where could a little boy be hiding?

I went back up stairs feeling a slow panic creeping in. I searched all the rooms again, under the beds, behind the curtains, calling for him.


I ran downstairs, the back door was closed, the front door was closed.

I ran back upstairs and looked in all the rooms again, under the beds, behind the curtains, could I have missed him?


Then I went into the spare room, in panic I pulled out the bed, the cupboard, the chair and there he was fast asleep on the floor. He must have gone in there to hide and crashed. I picked him up and took him back to his room.

God I'm not sure I can do this mothering thing. I'm spending most of my time in a state of panic! Is it allowable to tie your child to your hip!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry. You'll soon get over this stage and onto the one where you want them to stay lost for a little while.
