What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Old McDonald had a farm...

Its half term and we know that most places would be manic, so we set off today for the Whitehouse Farm, reasoning that its big and even with crowds it wouldn't be too chaotic. Its about 30 mins up the A1 and a rather pleasant drive, Annette and I meandered through the usual diverse range of conversations, I'm not sure if its because she is Swiss, or just because we get along so well, but we have the most strangest, honest, revealing conversations. Never a dull moment!!

Any Hoo - we got to Whitehouse farm and waited in line with all the other 100's of mummies and daddies who had had the same idea (bugger them). Dylan was very non British and decided after 10 mins of waiting in line that the best thing to do was run down to the beginning of the que and push on through. Most folks thought it was funny, but there were a few who tutted at this blatant show of "pushing in".

Hauled back and made to stand in line he winged and whined about "PIG". We eventually got to the paying in Shed to find one very harassed lady - my inability to provide my membership card didn't go down too well and we were eventually just waved through - she obviously had far too much to deal with!

Once inside we viewed the giant rabbits, the goats
Now promise me you wont bite.
Don't be scared little goat, I'm your friend

Annette communing with a Goat
Can't you tell she is farm born and bred!

Be nice goaty, or the sheep gets the rest of this stuff.
Be nice goaty or the sheep gets the lot

The budgies, the PIGS, the wallabies, the deer (Dylan still insists that they are goats), the sheep

With a Ba, Ba here and

the cows

Annette and Dylan with a Swiss Cow.


"Moooo-ving on"

It really is a gorgeous place to meander and very child friendly. Dylan and Orla loved interacting with the animals, I think Annette enjoys it too....ohhh go on, and me too!

"Go on, do your Cow again Dylan"

Squeals of joy pervaded the afternoon and both babes tried out their growing vocab and noises - "MOOOOOOO"

We had a frantic meal, service in the canteen was little better than the entrance shed, and then headed off for a meandering drive back through the countryside. God I'm so lucky to have places like this to visit and friends like these to go with.

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