What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Still Teething

Yes, its still on going, poor wee mite is really suffering with his molars. The top two have come through and seem to be cutting into the bottom gums, most nights he is awake at least four or five times, crying and moaning. Ive tried all the liquids and gels but nothing seems to be helping him.

He has stopped eating most foods, even bananas and for the President of the Banana fan club thats a serious thing to happen. The only things he wants to eat are yoghurts and anything that is cold, so Im feeding him grapes and mango when he gets so hungry he will eat.

I feel quite helpless, watching his pain and being able to do nothing to help. Last night he lay in my arms simply snuffling his way through sleep, desperately clinging to my neck each time the pain washed over him. I wish I could take his pain away, I would even take it onto myself if that were possible but its not, so all I can do is hold him when he hurts and try to give him as much comfort as possible.

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