What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Arghhh Child minding problems.

Mum has been really poorly these last couple of weeks, with a sickness and diarrhoea thing that seems to have rolled into horrid proportions. Anyway because she hasn't been well Ive had to "farm" Dylan out to Jo, my next door neighbour. Jo is lovely and has been a real sport looking after him - especially as he has been teething so badly, not been the best baby to look after.

Today though to give Jo a break Annette took Dylan on. He apparently bawled his eyes out when I left but settled in front of the TV with Orla to watch the sing and sign video. Its great to see Dylan and Orla playing together they really interact so well and its fun seeing them learning from each other. Dylan taught Orla to climb the furniture and Orla taught Dylan to throw balls all over the floor so Annette could trip up over them.

My how they giggled!

Annette said she had fun, but found it a challenge, I managed to get back at Dinner time, which was great as Annette makes the best sandwhiches. Dylan went straight to sleep after wards which sounds great apart from the waking up, and screaming for his mommie...

Ive offered to reciprocate but not sure I will handle it as well.

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