What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Its Dylans birthday on the 3rd of March, he is 6. I know its a cliche but I really do wonder where the time has gone.

Last night we were "discussing" the plans for his birthday party.

Its a pirate theme, unbeknownst to him I have organised for Captain Raggy Beard to come and join us. He was pretty specific about certain things

  1. No girls!
  2. he has invited 8 friends, 8 is a good pirate number.
  3. He wants a cake in the shape of a treasure map - thanks to Becka Seal I can provide this.
  4. He wants games, several we made up last night, I'm not sure I remember to rules to "blow up the shark" but I'm hoping Capn. R. Beard will be entertain him enough to forget this one.
  5. He wants a plank, for adults (who have to also come dressed up) to walk when they are being naughty!
  6. He wants a shark - I put my foot down on this one, we settled for stuffed crocodiles!
  7. Oh, did he mention NO GIRLS!
Then this morning, after talking to Becks about the cake I went in to let him know the treasure map would be ok. "hmm mummy" he said, "perhaps we should have invited Mia and Alex, Alex would be a good pirate boy." 

"Ok", said I, "but Mia is a girl and you definitely said no girls".

Deep thought ensued, then his face lit up with his 'Ive got it smile'. "Thats ok mummy, cause she will come with cake".


Friday, February 17, 2012

Sleep really is the answer to all my problems.

I've had two nights of drug induced sleep, and I'm not saying this works for everyone, but I feel great. This week, my week off from Sing and Sign, I've had a cold, a sore throat, an ear infection and generally felt like a piece of chewing gum on the bottom of someone's shoes.

Dylan left for Keefe's on Wednesday, and I spent the day cleaning - just the usual household chores. I could have done something wonderful like walking along the beach, going into Northumberland, read a book that enlightened me, but life still goes on and my floors really did need cleaning.

So one Wednesday night I combined two tablets I've been prescribed to help me sleep, but were not working on their own and bam! - sleep!, 9 hours of sleep. No dreaming, no flashbacks, no pondering on the minutiae of life at 3am in the morning. I woke yesterday morning and found that I had some energy, something I've been missing in the mornings. Once again I chose to ignore the wonders of outside and did the ironing, yeah I know, but I like ironing so it was a bit of a stress buster for me.

The day passed with my ear ache recurring and I cancelled a Sing and Sign class, it made me feel crap, so to boost my mood I changed the beds, cleaned my windows and scrubbed the bathroom till it sparkled. Then I run a really hot bath, took my drugs and read for an hour... no sleep. I read for a further hour and then I woke up this morning at 3.30. Turned off the light, put down my book and then went back to sleep. I woke again at 7.15 and since then I've not stopped. But I did sit down just now with a bacon omelette a cup of coffee and listened to the radio! Kairos moments!