What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, April 16, 2009


March has been somewhat of a high high, low low month. Dylan's birthday was lovely, but was somewhat marred by Shaun, my brother loosing his keys. His strop at the end of the party was pretty fantastic, although he was much cooler than he has been at times gone by, his anger still put a splot on the day.

Dylan has had various illnesses this month and the whole, ill thing was over ridden by mum going into hospital on the 3rd March for her triple heart op. It was all pretty traumatic, but after a couple of hard weeks she is now back on track and getting better with each day.

Ive had several run in's with Keefe, all down to the fact that he commits to something then lets me down. I'm trying a new approach, which is to hold him to his word. If he says he will be here for a set time, he gets 30 mins grace (several people have said this is too long, but its what I'm working with at the moment) then if he doesn't show up, I leave, change plans whatever. It seems to be working but maybe more on this later.

Ive also come off my lighter life diet. I lost 2 stone 3lbs. I felt fantastic but I wasn't really sticking with the program at the end, and whilst I didn't achieve as greatly as Hooch, it has helped me get back down to a manageable weight. I'm managing the eating with slimming world - its just nice to be able to eat something solid. I also do intend to loose the last 7-10lbs to get to my target weight. My friend Annette is monitoring my weight gain, telling me if I'm looking fat or not. Its good to have friends.

Actually Annette and I went through a pretty rough spot for a couple of weeks. I hit high sensitivity on a day she was hitting pregnancy paranoia and it wasn't pretty. Long story short she called me in, told me to account for myself, which I amazingly did, even if it took me a while to do it, and now we are back on track again, had an amazing breakfast with her this morning.

Work is shitville, I'm really not certain what is going to happen there, so I'm just keeping my head down and attempting to get on with whatever they throw at me, whilst dealing with the various illnesses and traumas of life.

Sing and sign is also weird, Jane has offered me the franchise, but each month the deal changes and its gone from affordable to almost out of my reach, I'm just going to have to wait and see what her final figure is to whether I can afford it. This is just one more of those things I'm not really dealing with very well.

Dylan and I have been going through a hard spot this last month, he has developed a personality and I cant deal with it. Actually its not that simple but I have quite often over this month totally lost it with him. He has spent more time in the naughty corner than I care to deal with. Ive actually put myself there once or twice, for my own atrocious behaviour. God, this parenting stuff, it just ain't easy is it?

Anyway, that's kind of my catch up. I will blog individual stuff later, but I just wanted to say, I am alive, I am reading your blogs - and loving them, and I am hoping to get in touch with many of you sooner, rather than later.

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