What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Potty Training...

Its a piece of piss....

EXCUSE ME - how can you get a piece of piss? It's runny, it goes all over the place, its uncontainable, especially is squirting from a small boys willie... its just never going to be a piece of something!

That rant done though, we, or rather Dylan, has finally mastered potty training. He has done so well and each time he gets there my heart sings with pride at the way my little man is developing.

I know I tried it last year, but really, I should have listened to everyone one else and just gone with my own instincts. Last year it was horrible, both Dylan and I felt like failures, cause the wee bloke just wasn't ready. It all comes down to peer pressure, everyone else seemed to have stopped using nappies, so why hadn't my child. So I forced the wee man to sit on the potty, I held him down, forcible (well maybe not) but at times I felt like it...

I had thoughts that ran along the lines of "if everyone else has done it, does this mean Dylan is slow?", "Will he always be behind everyone else?". "Will I eventually pull up to a Macdonalds and feel a surge of pride as my child asks "Dwant fries wid that!".

So for a whole week, Dylan and I did battle. At the end of the week in October I hung my head and cried into the pillow of failed mothers. Dylan didn't want to use the potty, he understood the process, he knew what to do but he just didn't want to do it.

So we didn't!

Yet at the beginning of January I just thought, go on, one more try and I got the potty out again, and this time we have sailed through. of course there have been one or two accidents, primarily because Ive been slow, or the wee hasnt been as contained as it should have been - we girls wee down, boys dont! Or a mess was made because his potty attached itself to his bottom and when he stood up the wee that was in the potty was no longer in the potty, but these have been handled with calm and a pile of kitchen towels and disinfectant. Generally he is happy to tell me when he needs a wee or a poo and he tells me with plenty of notice. I'm even - get me - considering ditching the nappies at night time because he is nearly always dry at night time too...

So that's it, this months grin is caused by Dylan, my darling boy being able to "go potty".

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