What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, April 14, 2008

Our last day playing

A big title for a monumental day. As of tomorrow I'm back into full time work, well 3 days a week full time work!

I've been feeling really low this week, Keefe has been off doing theatre stuff and Ive had Dylan pretty much 24/7, I love having him all to myself, but it is hard work and I'm forced on an daily basis to appreciate all the help and support I get from my mum and dad.

That's not why I've been feeling low though, I've just climbed into my own little cancerian hole and spent time pondering my life.

Anyway, Annette called me this morning and we made plans to head down onto the beach again. The weather was gorgeous when we spoke this morning at 7am, so with picnic stuff packed, factor 30 lathered on both of us we headed down to the beach - to find wind, rain and total greyness.

Luckily Ive learnt my lesson from our last beach encounter and had some cold weather gear for the wee man to wear.

Orla and Dylan still had fun.


And to commemorate the day there is a rare photo of Annette, Orla and Dylan all together

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Im back at work


Actually its not that bad, I've only had to do four hours last week and I've got to do 8hrs this week. But its still time away from Dylan and Im feeling a little bit resentful to all thos stay at home mums who can afford to stay at home and dole-ites who get the government to pay for them staying at home.

Definitely on the look out for a 79yr old Millionaire with a heart defect, if you know of any, please point them in my direction.

Monday, April 07, 2008

It Snowed

This morning we woke to find someone had been very naughty and made outside go all white...

Dylan wanted "out" straight away, he wouldn't take no for an answer so I let him put a foot outside, without slippers on, he soon brought it back in!

After breakfast we donned cold weather gear and headed out into the snow.


I tried to make a snow man, but it wasn't great snow. Why has the snow gone horrible?

Dylan played in the garden for a couple of minutes then looked at me, very perturbed, held his arms up in the air and said "mama, Dy cold", he then burst into tears and we quickly headed back in doors where it was nice and warm

Friday, April 04, 2008

Down on the beach

Its seems to be one of our favourite haunts at the moment, Dylan loves to play in the water, Orla loves to play in the sand, they both love droping stones in the water and Annette and I can get a coffee after they have run themselves silly.

A perfect afternoon.

Annette tends to go for Swiss caution and Orla is dressed up ready for Iceland weather

Building sandcastles

Me Im training Dylan to be a true Geordie, the type of bloke who in mid Winter can walk down the street with his tabs stuck under his t.shirt sleeve and no coat on...
Its soooo cold but Im not stopping playing

I love Tynemouth beach, it just such a lovely area to play.

Pretty soon after filming this we went for coffee!