What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, July 31, 2015

He' Leaving on a jet plane

Well actually its in the car with his dad. But Dylan is going down to London for a week and whilst I know Im going to miss my wee hooligan Ive got a whole week on my own. Im used to having nights without him there as he stays with his dad on a regular basis, but a week, 7 days, 168hrs of dealing with just myself!

I have no idea what Im going to do but lie in's and long baths, catching up on box sets and meeting up with friends for coffee or drinks will be a feature Im sure!

If you see me around and I'm wearing a silly satisfied smile do forgive me :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Erm, its been a while!

Well, back to blogging, back to writing my feelings down and trying to figure out where life is and what I do with it.

Im not sure why Im here, it used to be a regular thing, maybe it can become something more, maybe I will write this one post and not come back again, but Im think Im ready to go forth into the blogging life, to share my tribulations, my tears, my joy.

Three years since my last blog - its a long time and it makes me nervous to expose myself in this way, but Im stronger than I was, more myself and I have and can find the time.

This is the beginning of what used to be my life, again!