What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hooch had a birthday...

And I kinda missed it, not because Im a bad friend, which it kinda feels like, but because Im full of cold, living in snot and hiding...

But I wished really hard, and I wished her a wonderful day, a fantastic year, and friends who wouldnt do what Im doing...

She is a gorgeous woman,

with a beautiful heart
and killer legs.

Happy Birthday Hooch!

Friday, January 23, 2009

22 days in

And Ive got another bally cold.

Bugger I hate this constant round of runny noses and sore throats. I managed to get through the sing and sign class this morning, but now Im off to bed, first a hot bath, then snuggled with hot water bottle and the desire to breath deeply, without coughing up my guts or snotting all over the place.

I hate colds!!!!

Thank god Keefe has got Dylan tonight.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ach, January has just flown by.

Jesus, I really want to get on top of blogging, but by the time the time comes to sit down and do the stuff, it just all goes to pot and I tend to end up washing the floor or ironing - you know, the important stuff in life.

Anyway whats been happening this month so far.

Work, is still pretty crappy, no one knows what is happening, the restructure situation just keeps going on and on. I don't know what will happen at the end of March, but I kinda get the idea that my current job will definitely no longer exist. I should be offered work within the council, but Ive no idea what it is, or where I will be working. But hey, its a job and will pay the bills, which is more than a lot of people can say at the moment.

Sing and Sign has started, Ive got 6 classes running over 3 two hour sessions. I really love doing this and am really thinking seriously about taking over the franchise, but its a scary thought - self employed - and I'm not sure I'm brave enough just now.

Dylan, my lovely, lovely boy is going through a very weird stage right now and I don't know what to do about it.

He is beautiful and makes me smile on an hourly, ney minutely basis. He is so tuned into life, coming out with some amazing things, he plays so beautifully on his own, and plays so gently with his friends. He is very good at sharing - Proud Mum!!!

BUT - he has become very scared when we are out and about, almost clingy. He used to be this really outgoing, try anything child. Three months ago, I couldn't stop him sliding down the big boys slide, now its almost impossible to get him to climb the steps on the baby slide.

We went to Whitehouse farm the weekend just gone and he was "scared" of the animals. This the child who ran amok with chickens and would happily climb into a field with cows. He didn't want to play on the park climbing frame cause he might fall, and he certainly didn't want to play on the "big boy bikes", he was "just a little boy".

I don't understand the change, or why it's happened, I think that maybe it has something to do with him being really poorly over Christmas, its probably knocked his confidence, he was sick a lot of the time and we did tend to coddle him, telling him he was a poor baby, but I kinda just want my brave baby back.

I'm working hard at encouraging him, pushing at boundaries that were not there before but are there now and generally discussing his fears and letting him know that whilst he is growing up, he is still just a "little boy" who is very clever and very loved.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

White house

Keefe is off doing work/play things so I got to play with Dylan this morning. I rang Annette and asked if she wanted to come to the Whitehouse farm with me. She wasnt feeling so hot, but Tom, her hubby said he would join me.

I then called Ruth, with Josh, who was up for it, as was Renatta, with Danny. So wellies, cold weather gear and a desire to play firmly installed we headed up to Northumberland.

The Farm, last year, was a staple place to visit. It takes about 30 mins to drive there and can fill an afternoon, or a full day, depending on the weather.

It was bitterly cold when we arrived, first ones there, so we doned coats, hats and gloves and headed to the warmth of the shop. Dylan found dinosaurs and cows...

Then we headed down to see the petting animals, some HUGE rabbits, some reptiles and some chickens. The goats, which Dylan loved last year, were scary, and I ended up feeding them. It took me ages to get him to approach them and then he kept saying they would bite him. I didnt push!!

Tom, Orla, Renatta and Danny turfed up, after taking a small diversion, and we all headed up to the big sheds where the pigs, cows, goats, Llamas and horses were waiting for us.

The gang on thier way to see the animals - Brrrrrr!

Some radiators - or reindeers as we know them.

We brave few!

Renatta and Danny

Tom and Orla

Then we played - or rather the others played, Dylan was scared!!!




Then we raced




Sadly all this excitement was too much for Dylan and we departed in tears. Poor wee man!!!