What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Moving up to Caterpillars

A week or so ago Dylan's Key worker, Vicky, said that Dylan was going to be "popping" into the next room up - the Caterpillars room, this is for children 2yrs and 9 months to 4years - he wouldn't be going up till after Christmas but it was going to be an introduction.

At the end of last week Vicky and Sally, the Tweenies room leader, had a chat with me to say that they thought he and Jamie, Dylan's friend were ready and happy to move up right then and there....

Oh my goodness...

He's moving up to the big boys room...

My baby is no longer a baby!!!

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Cough colds and works of art.

Dylan and I have both been infected with various bugs that have caused us to snot, to cough, to poop or to spew, gorgeous in our total illness!

The other night, after 3 consecutive nights without sleep due to Dylans coughing, my coughing, Dylans sickness and my toilet runs, I couldnt find the energy to get out of the bed to hack up my snot. (I can hear Helen gagging) So in my lazy ugness I coughed up a small gold mine and spat it into my empty water glass.

Im sorry, its revolting I know, but I really couldnt drag my sorry ass out of bed to get to the toilet for more toilet roll.

Anyway, reveling in my revoltingness I did this about six times through the night.

The morning dawned and I reminded myself that I needed to clean the glass out, I went to brush my teeth and heard Dylan humming to himself. Ahhh I thought, I wonder what he is doing...

I walked back down the hall to see Dylan holding my glass, with his fingers splayed, covered in snot "Look mummy" he said "Im drawning"....

Gag - I think I may be creating the next Damien Hurts!!