Dylan and I have both been infected with various bugs that have caused us to snot, to cough, to poop or to spew, gorgeous in our total illness!
The other night, after 3 consecutive nights without sleep due to Dylans coughing, my coughing, Dylans sickness and my toilet runs, I couldnt find the energy to get out of the bed to hack up my snot. (I can hear Helen gagging) So in my lazy ugness I coughed up a small gold mine and spat it into my empty water glass.
Im sorry, its revolting I know, but I really couldnt drag my sorry ass out of bed to get to the toilet for more toilet roll.
Anyway, reveling in my revoltingness I did this about six times through the night.
The morning dawned and I reminded myself that I needed to clean the glass out, I went to brush my teeth and heard Dylan humming to himself. Ahhh I thought, I wonder what he is doing...
I walked back down the hall to see Dylan holding my glass, with his fingers splayed, covered in snot "Look mummy" he said "Im drawning"....
Gag - I think I may be creating the next Damien Hurts!!